

  • The IBC Digital Lifestyles Interviews – Simon Perry – Part I

    This is the first in a series of eight articles with some of the people involved with the Digital Lifestyles conference day at IBC2004.

    We interviewed Simon Perry, the executive producer of the Digital Lifestyles theme day, in a two-part feature that covers on the makeup of the day and question him convergence and other aspects of the media. He publishes Digital Lifestyles magazine.

    Fraser Lovatt: Tell me about the four discussion sessions at IBC this year.  What are they about and who’s speaking at them?

    Simon Perry: When the Digital Lifestyles day was introduced at IBC last year, my aim was to set the scene – to signal the change in the content industry. This year builds on that, by highlighting four specific areas that merit closer attention by the creative, business and technology people.

    The day will inform the delegates on the new types of content possible, how to get paid for it, where you can deliver it and the business models around it.

    The first session is titled ‘New platforms, new content’.

    It is set in the context that, with new content delivery methods comes new forms of content. It’s chaired by Ashley Highfield, director of New Media & Technology at the BBC, and will create a discussion between some of the most experienced and forward-thinking Games, Film and TV people. In each of their fields they are bringing together different strands of content, creating something that couldn’t have existed previously, such as content that migrates between platforms, creating united content.

    The second session is about getting paid for content. Up to now, the industry has been focused on protecting the content that they have, which is understandable and technology companies have been more than happy to assist them.

    I feel this is a distraction. The really key part is how the consuming public are going to pay for content that they think is worth paying for, whether they receive it to their mobile phone, their TV, via broadband to their PC’s or through an adaptor on to their TV. The methods of payment are as diverse as the delivery methods.

    The panel brings together the knowledge and experience of people who are successfully receiving payments from the public for text and video content; others offering payment systems that take small amounts, less that a pound/dollar, online and others that use mobile phones to make payments.

    Tim Jones, the CEO of  Simpay will be on the panel. Simpay was brought to life by the four major mobile phone networks in the UK. The first stage of their service offers the phone-carrying public to pay for phone delivered content – catching up with the currently favoured premium-rate SMS charging. The next stage is – and this is where it becomes a more interesting example – allowing you pay for any types of content, as well as physical goods from shops, using your phone. It is something that has been theorised for a long time and Simpay appear to be pulling it together now. Tim’s background is particularly interesting. He co-invented Mondex, which as we all know, was the first form of public e-cash in the UK.

    The third session is chaired by Ken Rutkowski of Ken Radio, and is about informing the content creators about the increasing range of platforms that are available to them for distributing their content. Within the industry there are different stages of knowledge, expectation and experience of what digital lifestyles will mean to the creators of the content, as well as the public. In this third session they will explore what roles different media play on different platforms and the effect it is going to have on the type of content people produce. Ken’s enthusiasm will lift the best out of the panellist.

    The forth session is future business models chaired by media journalist, Kate Bulkley. It will explore the models that will run aside 30-second spot ads; mobile delivery; gaining benefit from efficient delivery to different platforms; generating new revenue from TV. There’s a lot of innovation in this area.

    What does convergence mean to you? What’s your internal definition of it?

    It’s an interesting word. It’s been around for a long time – and increasingly, over the last six/nine months it has become to mean anything that any marketeer wants it to mean. The original definition saw all devices being morphed in to one device. It’s clear that there won’t be convergence to that extent. It’s becoming less defined. The more it enters everyones vocabulary, the wider the definition becomes. Perversely it’s definition is diverging.
    The convergence that Digital Lifestyles magazine focuses on, is how the influx of technology into the creation, transfer and reception of media content is changing the industry. Where media and technology touch, is what’s of interest to us, and the impact it will have.

    There is an argument that media has always been a technological activity. From first workings and marking things on cave walls to the development of perspective, to the first film studios to television. It has always been technology-led.

    That is probably true. Well it’s not probably true – it is true. The definition of what is technology is a sliding window, isn’t it? Pens, paper and the printing press were all once thought of as advanced technology, and then they slowly shifted to become the norm. I would argue that the window moves more quickly these days.

    But media always seems to be at the forefront of technology – many technological breakthroughs are media related and have been throughout the history of mankind.

    Technology has certainly had an influence – I don’t know whether media has always been pushing technology, or whether it has always been using the latest technology. It certainly has previously utilised it, and the people who have utilised the technology are the ones that have had the upper hand. Look back to Murdoch in the use of technology in the production of newspapers, originally pioneered by the Eddie Shah with Today.

    I think people get business advantage by using technology and media. I don’t think necessarily the mainstream media are quick in adopting technologies and making the most of them, and that’s frustrating. However, this gives a space for the people who are outside the mainstream media, micro-production companies if you will, to use the technologies to create and deliver their content to an audience on an economic basis.

    Do you think the public thave an active participation in convergence? Do they see the convergence as something they are getting involved in or do they see it as something that has happened around them? Five years ago they were going out and buying DVD players and now they are buying PVRs – Do you think they are seeing it as progress or just something new to buy?

    Let’s use digital music, because that’s quite a good example. One of the articles on Digital Lifestyles today covered the Virgin Music Player, a little thing you just hang on your waist.  People will obviously notice that they don’t have to carry around a bulky CD player or a mini disc player or a cassette player, but as to whether they realise that the changes are wider reaching than that – I doubt it. It will feel like another small step.

    These days people are now conscious of change. They have come to expect things to change. They are becoming numbed to the “Oh my god” reaction, when they come into contact with a new use of technology.

    The people in the industry see it as significant, because they see the long-term impact.
    One of the ironies I perceive with convergence is that the media itself, those pieces of entertainment like music, film and to some extent e-books, are becoming fragmented through platform and DRM issues. Do you think that we will be happy buying three versions of the same thing in the near future because the DRM or file formats are incompatible, or do you think that this will be resolved gracefully?

    Incompatibility is a fear of mine and yes, in the short term, it is likely. It’ll happen because of the number of incompatible content protection systems that are around. I think the industry, whether it be the providers of content protection or the media companies, which are using the content protection systems that don’t allow interchange between devices are going to do themselves a disservice and, if it continues, will frankly end up irritating the customer.

    I have asked the question to quite a number of people in the media business and technology business – I have never really had a good answer from them either. How do you sell the public something that’s less good, through it’s restrictions, than the thing that is being replaced? Something that ends up flexible, even though the form it is held in allows greater flexibility? So, short term I think it probably will be a problem. I hope that it won’t be a problem beyond the short term.

    It can be argued that a lot of the fragmentation that we are seeing in media in file formats and devices is down to proprietary systems that are involved in the creation of media, and in its protection and distribution so we have DRM, we have CDs which can’t be played on PCs.   These are all proprietary.  Do you think there is a place for open standards in a convergent media culture?

    I think the reason this hasn’t happened so far is that the prize is so enormous. The prize for being the provider of content protection is to be one of the largest businesses in the world. Much commercial material will only reside in the rights holders-approved DRM formats; ones that they feel protect their interest. That’s not to say that there won’t be a huge market for other content in another format, and that could be an open format.

    Do you think that one company will be allowed to hold the keys for content protection?

    Who is going to stop them? Are you talking about Government restrictions?

    Some view it as a monopoly.

    Certainly from the discussions I have had with content creators of the large studios, there is an unease with a number of companies holding all of the keys. There have been many suggestions as to the way that could be got around. One I found interesting was Fraunhoffer’s Light Weight DRM (LWDRM), but it still relies on a central repository that decides whether you are entitled to this music or that you have paid to have access to it.

    The Fraunhoffer response to that question is to say, well we place that with a third party – so you split up the business of running the content protection system away from the business of holding the keys to the access to that content. Their suggestion was that it be done by institutions like the German post office. Different nations have got different relationships with their governments. So that’s something that might work in a country such as Germany, but not others.

    There are two arguments – on the open source side there are many people, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) for example, who argue that there should be no content protection and people will pay for their content, relying on the good nature of man.
    Rightly or wrongly, that is not how the mainstream media industry sees it. But if you look at companies like Warp Records, they sell their music in MP3 format. They have taken a more open file format, which can be exchanged quickly between different formats and difference devices. The consumer in me sees this as completely reasonable. I buy something and then I am able to put it on whichever device I want.

    I did some research for the European Commission on a unified media platform called N2MC and it became clear from speaking to a wide range of people, along the whole creation-to-distribution change, that the idea of an open source content protection system didn’t currently work for them.

    Because it could be easily reversed engineered?

    It was seen as a weakness in the chain. One part of a content protection system must remain proprietary.

    This interview is continued and concluded here.

    Simon is chairing ‘The missing piece – Getting paid for content’ session between 11:30 and 13:00 at the IBC conference on Sunday, 12th September in Amsterdam. Register for IBC here

  • Survey: US Console and Game Sales Down 2.5%

    A survey from NPD indicates that US console hardware and software sales fell 2.5% during the first half of 2004. Price cuts from Sony and Microsoft saw a drop in the market’s value, but the number of units sold was up by 1%.

    The console market in the US was worth US$3.4 billion (€2.78 billion) during the first six months of 2004, compared to US$3.5 billion (€2.86 billion) for the same period last year.

    All of the consoles available have been on sale for at least two years now, so penetration is high – this caused a 17% drop in hardware sales. Portable software (that’ll be Game Boy cartridges then) fell 12%. However, internet accessories like the PS2’s broadband adaptor rose 120% and “speciality controllers” rose 184%. Looks like everybody decided to go out and buy a Wavebird.

    “The reduced price points for Microsoft’s Xbox and Sony’s PlayStation 2 helped to stabilize industry sales during the first half of the year,” said Richard Ow, s senior video games analyst at NPD. “While the first quarter of 2004 was showing double-digit losses in console hardware unit sales, with the help of lower price points for the Xbox and PS2 during the second quarter of 2004, the industry actually saw double-digit increases in unit sales for the entire second quarter of the year.”


  • Infinium Labs Get $50 Million Credit Investment

    Infinium Labs, broadband console manufacturer, has secured a new US$50 million credit line from an institutional investor. Infinium are planning to release their new console in the autumn – but there’s still now clues as to what gamers will actually be playing on it.

    Infinium have retained HPC Capital Management to evaluate the company’s current and future capital needs. They, of course are confident in the Phantom’s prospects: “Infinium Labs is at the forefront of the revolution in gaming – the move from consoles and PCs to the streaming of a library of titles over broadband networks into the home, to a receiver that sits in the living room and is used by everyone in the family,” Vince Sbarra, President of HPC Capital Management, said in a statement. “We’ve been watching the number of broadband users increase every year. After carefully evaluating the industry, we feel that Infinium Labs represents a significant opportunity to enter this market with a company that has a solid management team that combines the experience of two worlds – executives from networking businesses and senior managers that have previously launched a successful game system.”

    The Phantom is now billed as an always on “games receiver” – though no-one has publicly announced any content for it. Their latest brochure talks up the service: “This fall, the dream of being able to purchase any game, at any time, from the comfort of the family room, becomes a reaility.”

    Any game? It’s said that the Infinium will run specially packaged PC games that will run without a complex installation and configuration process. The console itself is free, though the service costs US$30 (€24) a month, with premium games costing $5 (€4) for a three day “rental”. At this stage you’d expect Infinium to be creating demand by mentioning things like “Half Life 2” or “Far Cry” but no titles at all are associated with the console.

    With an on sale date less than four months away, Infinium had better get a move on in enthusing the public about their content – people aren’t going to subscribe to a new service just because it comes with a free shiny box.

    Infinium Labs

  • Console Modification Now Illegal in the UK

    Bad news for gamers who like to play import titles on their consoles – the UK high court has ruled that it is illegal to sell, advertise or even possess mod chips for commercial purposes. Mod chips are small circuits used to circumvent region locking schemes on consoles, but can also be used to defeat copy protection systems.

    The ruling came from a case against David Ball – it was judged that the trader acted unlawfully by selling 1,500 Messiah 2 mod chips, under the new European Union Copyright Directive. The EUCD is seen by some as even more restrictive to consumer rights than the American Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The case was brought against Mr Ball by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe.

    Mod chips are used by gamers to play import games – many prized Japanese games do not see a release in the UK, or are months behind. Often a mod chip is the only way that a gamer can have the opportunity to play a title from another market. Animal Crossing is a splendid, released in Japan two years ago, the game is only just getting a European release – and only after campaigns and protests to Nintendo convinced them to release it. Needless to say I myself have been happily playing the game for some months.

    “This case, together with the recent successful criminal case against chippers in Belgium, confirms in the clearest possible terms that Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has the right to protect the illegal infringement of our intellectual property rights, and those of third party game developers,” said SCEE president David Reeves. “We are sending a clear message to manufacturers and distributors of mod chips throughout the PAL territories that we will continue to pursue legal action against them.”

    Implementations of the EUCD tend to be inconsistent however – Sony recently lost a case in Spain and an Italian court recently ruled that it was up to the console owner what they did with their console, not the manufacturer – and indeed ruled that the chips are essential to preventing monopolies.


    Welcome to Animal Crossing

  • eBay Trialling Digital Downloads

    eBay are testing digital downloads in a trial with software company Digital River. The 90 day pilot allows purchasers to download software as soon as they’ve paid for it.

    Whilst this is a common business model for more traditional companies, it’s the first time that eBay have tried it. Pirated and counterfeit goods are still seen as a problem with online auctions, and eBay will have to police vendors and auctions carefully to stay on the right side of the law.

    As eBay will only allow pre-approved sellers to offer downloads so we can forget sales of unloved, second-hand iTunes songs for the time being.

    As the rapid success of online music stores is demonstrating, internet users are getting more used to the idea of buying goods on a download only basis – including software, music, fonts and reports. If eBay can keep control of their vendors, then this could be the next big phase for them.

    Digital River Inc.

  • Windows XP Service Pack Hits Delay

    Windows XP Service Pack 2 will now not be appearing until August. Citing a need for more stability checks, Microsoft have delayed the patch for the third time – it was originally scheduled to appear in June, then July.

    The new service pack has been described as more than just a few bug fixes – some sources say it’s more like a new version of XP.

    XP users can look forward to a number of enhancements when the service pack does appear, including a new firewall, spyware blocking and security revisions to Outlook Express and Internet Explorer.

    The download will be about 70mb, if beta test versions are anything to go by – you’d better make sure that broadband link is in by then.

    Microsoft Windows

  • PlayStation3: 2006, Playable Demo at E3

    Ken Kutaragi has said that Sony plans to have a working PlayStation3 console at next May’s E3 show – so if you’re not doing anything between 18th and 20th of May next year, you might as well get yourself to Los Angeles.

    Kutaragi told a meeting of PlayStation developers, suppliers and journalists: “There has been some talk that development is not going well, but we expect to have a playable version at E3. We are pushing ahead with that schedule in mind.”

    Sony have been receiving a lot of criticism lately for their PlayStation brand – the PSX has been discontinued in Japan after selling only 100,000 units, and the PSP is under scrutiny with developers citing concerns battery life and screen quality. Sony have yet to confirm what the battery life of its new handheld console will be, and it has emerged that the screen in the demonstration model costs 70,0000 Yen (€520) alone. Clearly Sony will not be able to produce a console with the same screen and will have to source another, cheaper component.

    Last week Sony Computer Entertainment announced that they had changed the memory chips in in the PS3 to 256 megabit chips, down from 512. This does not necessarily mean that the console has had its memory capacity halved, doomsayers – it could mean that, with the same memory and twice the number of chips that the bandwidth has been doubled: from 25.6 gigabits to 51.2 gigabits per second.

    Sony are expected to follow their usual release pattern with PlayStation hardware – the console may well become available one year after its demonstration at E3, making that May 2006. US release will follow a couple of months later, with a European launch three months or so after that. Expect worried parents queuing up trying to get one of the few models released in the UK for Christmas 2006.


  • Curfews for Gamers in LA

    Looks like those teenage Everquest players have been getting out of hand – after a report found that 86% of people arrested in cybercafes were juveniles, the city of Los Angeles has cracked down hard with a curfew.

    New city ordinance, to come into effect in two months, bans kids under 18 from the city’s 30 or so cybercafes after 10pm on weekdays – and they won’t be allowed in between 8.30am and 1pm either.

    Los Angeles is also looking to regulate the growing cybercafe business, and now requires premises with five PCs or more to have a police license, and video cameras for security.

    The new legislation is the result of a review instigated after a brawl in a cybercafe last year. Two groups of kids got out of hand after a particularly energetic bout of Counter Strike. Evidently, the post-match recriminations went a bit further than just typing “omfg i pwned u!!!!! i r0x0r!!!111!” to their victims.

    Dennis Zine – the councillor responsible for the law

  • Square Enix Games on Vodafone Live!

    Role-playing game connoisseurs were seen weeping tears of joy today after Vodafone announced that they had teamed up with Square Enix to produce content for Vodafone live!

    live!, (the bane of copywriters, editors and just about everyone believes that, in order to be useful, a language should have a consistent grammar that isn’t broken just so that marketing departments can sell things), is a content delivery service for Vodafone customers.

    The first up of two titles will be Aleste, a port of the 1990 Master System game from Toppan. Whilst not exactly Ikaruga, it should provide some twitch-gaming fun with some imaginative (well, for the time) bosses and power-ups.

    The next is Actraiser, a 1991 SNES RPG with world-building elements and a side-scrolling play dynamic.

    Tantalisingly on the horizon is a mobile version of Drakengard, which can be described as Panzer Dragoon meets Dynasty Warriors. You don’t know what I’m talking about, do you?

    The excitement in this deal lies in the future – Square Enix have a back catalogue made up of the very best RPGs in console history, and if they choose the right properties, many thousands of fans will happily hand over cash (or bags of gil) for Final Fantasy yet again, just to play it on another format.

    Vodafone live!

    Square Enix

  • Sun’s Radical Java Update

    Sun Microsystems, purveyor of all things Java have introduced the most significant update to their platform in five years.

    Java2, Sun’s write-once-run-anywhere software platform, popular in everything from mobile phones to PCs to smart cards has gone from version 1.4 to version 5.0.

    Previously known as Tiger (stripy mammal, now mostly employed to sell breakfast cereal), the new release hopes to address previous concerns related to speed and scalability. This release of the platform has over 100 new features, including updates to the language and metadata. The amount of memory required by the virtual machine and code has been reduced, and new management tools have been included to help developers and administrators keep track of resources, applications and services. The compiler and code interpreter have been tweaked, providing performance that exceeds C++ … in some applications.

    Java was originally seen as a computing platform for small devices, but got a new lease of life with the world wide web as a way of adding interactivity to web applications on a variety of host machines. Recently, Java has received a second huge boost in the form of mobile phones – many modern phones incorporate a Java virtual machine so that games and applications will work across a range of mobile hardware.
