
Things that aren’t static

  • Bluetooth Video at IBC2004

    Forbidden Technologies will be broadcasting IBC TV News footage to visitors’ mobile phones thanks to their new video Bluetooth technology.

    Highlights of the previous day’s coverage taken by IBC’s camera teams will be broadcast directy to thousands of visitors via Bluetooth.

    “The mobile sector offers tremendous brand and revenue opportunities for broadcasters and production houses by creating a highly targeted, direct channel for the delivery of content,” said John Holton, IBC Exhibition Chairman. “We’re delighted to be leading the way by working with Forbidden to offer visitors the very best view of IBC 2004 on their mobile phones.”

    The service is based around two tools from Forbidden. The first, FORmobile delivers video along with a branded player via Bluetooth or GPRS WAP to compatible Symbian handsets. The second, FORscene, is a web-based editing tool alowing broadcasters to digitise, compress, edit and publish clips for delivery to mobiles.

    “We receive the footage from the IBC news teams at around 10am each morning, and aim to mobilise the content for distribution within half an hour,” said Stephen Streater, CEO of Forbidden Technologies. “By compressing, editing and publishing video in such a short time frame, we not only provide mobile users with compelling, up-to-date news content, but are making use of an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the benefits of our unique portfolio to production houses and content owners.”

    IBC 2004

    Forbidden Technologies

  • The Nokia 9300 – the New Communicator, Only Smaller

    No doubt you’ll remember the Nokia Communicator – you’ve probably sat opposite some bloke in a meeting who had one, and I bet he had an air of desperation tinged with coolness about him. Cool, because he thought he had a nifty gadget, desperation because it was enormous and the battery was about to go any moment.

    The Communicator, apart from the Trekker name, was a good idea and the various updates and iterations since the first model have improved many of its features and attributes. However (there’s always a however, isn’t there?), other more useful (and certainly smaller) smartphones have appeared, and people failed to see the point of the Communicator after a while.

    Nokia are back with another attempt though, and a valiant effort it is too. The new 9300 is 50 grams lighter and several centimetres smaller around the waist – Nokia are touting it as “a new high-end smartphone with both beauty and brains.” The company is hoping to see it in a lot more shirt pockets, and tellingly, handbags.

    The tri-band 9300 retains the original hinged format, opening up to reveal a full keyboard and a 65,536 colour screen. Navigation has been improved with a joystick for getting around menus, and eight function keys. Users can expand the 80mb built-in memory to up to 2 gig with an optional MMC card.

    The new phone runs the Series 80 OS, and includes software for connecting to various email servers, browsing the internet and a built in office suite, including a PDF reader.

    “The Nokia 9300 will appeal to a wide range of professionals who want powerful functionality from a data-enabled device without compromising the look, comfort, simplicity and usability of a standard mobile phone,” said Niklas Savander, senior vice president of Nokia’s business device unit. “We believe the Nokia 9300 strikes that balance in one stylish smartphone, without sacrificing the combined functionality that many people require but until now could only get from carrying multiple products.”

    Where’s the camera then?

    The 9300 will be available in the first quarter of 2005, though no pricing details have yet been publicised.

    The 9300

  • Samsung’s Hard Drive Phone

    Samsung have launched their SPH V5400 mobile phone, a US$800 (€661) handset with a 1.5 gig hard drive in it. Manufacturers have been adding more and more features to handsets for years now, but they have been hampered by the relatively tiny amount of memory available to them.

    The recent commercial breakthrough of micro-sized hard disk drives now means that phones can finally start to live up to all those convergence promises by taking advantage of a decent amount of storage. Most mobile phones have under 16 meg of memory – and that doesn’t go very far when you start throwing photographs, Java games, MP3s, ringtones and your address book at it.

    The V5400 certainly needs a 1.5 gig drive in it – the phone features a megapixel camera and MP3 player, so users will be able to store about 350 tracks or a few hundred photographs.

    Why a hard drive rather than a slightly more drop-friendly Flash memory? Disk drive capacities increase exponentially compared to their cost as the technology matures, the increases enjoyed by Flash memories are much more modest.

    The new phone also has two screens – the main screen is an 320 x 240 OLED, and the secondary screen is a 128 x 128 TFT.

    A built in FM transmitter will even send music to a near-by radio, just like the Belkin iTrip (unless legislation changes, this feature will not be legal in the UK) – and if you want to view video or photographs on your TV, well there’s an output for that too.

    The phone will be available in Korea by the end of September, with no schedule yet for other markets.


  • Ericsson Ends Bluetooth Design and Manufacturing

    Ericsson have halted their Bluetooth design and manufacturing work. Some are heralding this as the end of the short-range communications standard, but it is simply an indicator that the standard has matured – the standard does not require more development work and the chipsets are commodity items. Ericsson, the inventor of standard, will continue to offer Bluetooth features in their new phones, but will leave the manufacturing of the chipsets to high-volume chip manufacturers – and there are are already many making the sets.

    Ericsson, with transfer the 125 staff working on Bluetooth to other divisions of the company, though will remain a member of the Bluetooth Special Interest Group.

    Bluetooth has always been more popular in Europe than in America – only 10% of Bluetooth shipments are in the US, opposed to 65% in Europe (source: Wireless Watch).

    Bluetooth is now so widely adopted that it can be left in the hands of other companies to thrive, but it is clear that Ericsson do not believe there will be a next iteration of the technology. There are new technologies on the way – particularly ZigBee, a low-power, low-data rate radio frequency communications standard, designed with a much wider remit than Bluetooth in mind. ZigBee is intended to operate in consumer electronics, PC peripherals, home automation and industrial control applications.

    Although Bluetooth has failed in many of the areas it intended to tackle such as automotive communications, the standard still has plenty of life left. Microsoft’s Windows XP SP2 has radically improved support for Bluetooth and with no immediate replacement, it’ll be with us for a while yet.

  • Patrick Parodi, Mobile Entertainment Forum – The IBC Digital Lifestyles Interviews

    This is the seventh in a series of eight articles with some of the people involved with the Digital Lifestyles conference day at IBC2004.

    We talked to Patrick Parodi, Chair of the Mobile Entertainment Forum about what the MEF has set out to achieve and the future rolls our mobile phones might take on.

    Patrick has a dozen years of experience in designing, planning, and launching wireless network services in more 20 markets world wide. In addition to his current role at Packet Video Networks, he has worked for Diveo, Skytel, Teleworx and TVAnswer in various business development and marketing positions.

    Some of our readers may not have encountered you, or the Mobile Entertainment Forum.  Could you give us some background on the MEF and your involvement?

    The Mobile Entertainment Forum is a global trade association representing all participants in the mobile entertainment value chain.

    It started out 4 years ago with a few technology providers for mobile games and messaging coming together, along with Booz Allen Hamilton, to consider the cross industry issues facing mobile entertainment. I’ve personally been involved with the Forum for 2 years, first as Board MemberVice Chair and recently as its Chairman.

    The organization has grown to over 65 members from all segments of entertainment and communications. What united our members under the MEF banner is their committed to growing mobile media as a major component of their revenue, whether they are a technology company, a broadcaster, a record label or a mobile games company. The diversity of our membership reflects the diversity of the industry and points to the need for a Forum where views and opinions can be shared on how the industry can grow faster. Our objective is to bridge the gap between entertainment and communication through advocacy, education and the launch of specific MEF initiatives.

    The emphasis is on growing mobile revenues responsibly. Companies join MEF in order to play a leading role in setting the right commercial parameters in this evolving new industry. The coming together of the traditional entertainment and mobile industries certainly creates a need to develop a common understanding of how this business is emerging such that sensible business models are adopted allowing all players to participate in creating end user value. MEF members are addressing vital issues such as the adoption of mobile digital rights management and the creation of mobile communities.

    Both of these initiatives are led by members who have come together to share information and learning in order for others to understand how they can participate in the creation of this new business. We also believe it is very important to communicate this learning and the opportunities created by mobile entertainment to those new to the industry, in particular those in the traditional entertainment and media industries.

    An example of how MEF has helped move the mobile entertainment business forward is the recent launch of the MEF’s UK ringtones chart, which measures, publicizes and legitimizes the development of this growing market. The Mobile Entertainment Forum is also looking to ensure that the right regulation gets adopted –one that provides sensible guidelines for protecting consumers whilst ensuring healthy revenues for all players. Hence, our Regulatory Committee has recently submitted comments to the EU’s e-Money Directive and how it applies to mobile.

    “All boats float with the incoming tide.” We are at the early stage of a new industry called mobile entertainment. It is vital that all parts of the mobile entertainment business have a common voice and recommend ways to resolve core issues and help the market grow. This is what I believe the Forum is providing to its members. A common voice.

    Tell me about PacketVideo Network Solutions?

    To keep with the boat and tide analogy, PacketVideo Network Solutions (pvNS) provides software for the “boats” who want to enrich the mobile media experience with video and music. The company is owned by Alcatel, and was formerly a division of PacketVideo. With over 20 commercial launches worldwide, pvNS is recognized as the leading provider of software solutions centered around the pvServer to mange and distribute mobile video and audio services.

    Right from day one the sole focus of pvNS has been the creation of products and services for mobilemedia.

    PacketVideo Network Solutions has chosen to employ AAC as their mobile music format.  Can you tell me what drew you to AAC?

    Like any other technology company when it comes to formats we have to be agnostic. We can run bench tests and believe that one format is better than another, but if that format doesn’t make it onto devices then we shouldn’t be backing it. For mobile music it’s fair to say that AAC (and AAC+) is our preferred format simply because it provides the consumer with the best experience.

    It also happens to be the format that has been adopted as part of the 3GPP standard and will find its way in more devices than any other format on the market. That being said, we’ll work with other formats too – whether proprietary or open.

    Can you tell us a little about your IBC session this year?  What are you hoping to cover?

    I’m very honored since this year I’m actually participating in two panels at IBC.

    The first is on mobile devices and networks (The business of handhelds – who will survive – Saturday 11 September at 14.00 – 15.30 hrs. Location: Room L) and the second is on the new business models surrounding the broadcast business (Future Business Models – Sunday 12 September. at 16.00 – 17.45 hrs Location: Forum). Both have extremely provocative titles and are chaired by great people (Bernard Pauchon of TDF, and Kate Bulkley who writes about this space).

    My views on both topics will be very mobile user centric. Although there are many different networks (GPRS, 3G, DMB, WiFi, DVB-H etc…) and many different creators and owners of digital content, there is only one end user.

    This end user wants personalized, real time, and localized content. If you look at the value of the ring tone business (roughly 2.5 Billion dollars in 2003) you realize that it is almost 10% of the value of the music industry! Now the question: Are people paying to listen to the music or to personalize their phones?

    Clearly content is going mobile and content on a mobile is only “king” if it provides that added value which is created through personalization. Some are calling it conversational content…others communitainment.

    The mobile phone is the most personal content receiver we have in our possession and there are now over a billion of them worldwide. This is just the beginning.

    Broadcasters are catching on to mobile phones as a revenue stream and way to extend brands – will customers pay for content they might get free through the internet or television?
      The simple answer is no. The way broadcasters are generating money on mobile is by using mobile networks as reply paths. The advent of reality TV and the ability for audience participation via SMS has blown away the level of interactivity expected by the iTV industry. Ask any mobile operator what the impact of Endemol has been on the mobile data business.

    The question to ask now is, will the operator networks or even broadcast networks be able to deliver valuable content to mobile devices? The answer is yes, but not without a serious effort in understanding the new time and space dimensions created with the mobile. The value to the user is directly proportional to the contents ability to relate to the new dimensions of time and space being created.

    Content will be valuable once it is wrapped into a service or application combining in real time, communication, personalization, and localization.

    Think about how you feel when you grab your mouse to surf the web. Your attitude is “what can I get for free?”

    When you connect with your mobile, you are conscious of the fact that each connection and each transaction results in money being spent. Therefore you are more disposed to pay for the right content. I am particularly curious to what happens with the overlay of location based services on mobile networks. This will result in “localized” content which also have a profound impact on end user value creation.

    Do you see the mobile phone eventually replacing all of the devices we carry around with us from day to day – like our music players and wallets?
      It’s tempting to say yes, but my answer is just a little more subtle. I think the phone will morph into a device that can carry out all these functions and more, but I don’t think that means it’ll replace all these other devices. I think it will certainly be our main portable electronic device and I think for those times that we want to carry one device we’ll choose the phone.

    However there will be times that we’ll want to carry a specialist device that’s designed to do just one task insanely well.

    A 5 Megapixel digital camera for instance. For a long flight I may still want a bespoke machine for watching films on a 15 cm portable screen, and there’ll probably be a bespoke music player that offers more functionality than a phone for a long time to come.

    So it’ll be horses for courses – but the phone will be the no.1 portable electronic device. It is unique, addressable, and affordable.

    Patrick is a panellist in the ‘Future Business Models‘ session between 16:00 and 17:45 at the IBC conference on Sunday, 12th September in Amsterdam. Register for IBC here

    Packet Video Network Solutions

  • Philadelphia Plans World’s Largest WiFi Hotspot

    Whilst one or two small cities are now claiming 100% WiFi coverage, Philadelphia has ambitions to cover its entire 135 square miles with the world’s largest wireless internet hotspot.

    Major John F Street has formed a 14 member committee to plan the network and decide on access charges – some sources are speculating that the service may be free to residents, or at least very cheap.The project would help encourage tourism in the city and would complement the existing services in coffee shops and other businesses.

    The project is expected to cost around US$10 million (€8.23 million), with annual maintenance amounting to about US$1.5 million (€1.23 million). The city intends to pay for the initial creation of the network, and then recoup the running costs from businesses and tourists. For example, tourists could pay for a day’s WiFi access with cross promotions to events and attractions, or businesses could pay a fee for a secure section of the network.

    The current plan has a launch date of late 2005/early 2006.

    The Philadelphia Mayor’s Commission on Technology

  • First 3G Betting Service is Balls

    3, the 3G mobile network provider and Ladbrokes have launched what they claim is the first 3G video mobile betting service.

    The service is called Balls!, and it’s a numbers draw game (like the Lottery, I suppose, but repeated every minute, and with less holding up of the queue in my local newsagents) – it’s apparently one of the most popular products on The company have ported the Flash-based game over to 3rd generation mobile networks, allowing punters to bet up to 1,440 times a day. Recent jackpots for the web game have been UK£54,000 and UK£94,000 (€79,580 to €138,538). Stats are available on which numbers come out most often, for those of you deluded enough to think that makes a difference.

    Bob Fuller, Chief Executive of 3 commented: “3 leads the video mobile market with an unrivalled portfolio of content and Ladbrokes Balls! on 3 is yet another first for the UK’s leading 3G network. We are setting the agenda for 3G and are constantly challenging the UK market place with our range of innovative products and faster, better mobile services. With over 1.2 million customers in the UK, the potential for these types of services on 3 is very exciting.”

    David Briggs, Commercial Director, Ladbrokes e-Gaming said: “We’re delighted to be working with 3. Ladbrokes Balls! is a game that lends itself well to the immediacy of video mobile. Balls! is already the most popular game on and we expect the service to be equally as popular on 3’s video mobiles.”

    Ladbrokes – NB Digital Lifestyles are not responsible if you’re daft enough to blow your lunch money on a gambling site

  • Cellular Cinema

    Zoie Films, a company who support and promote independent films and film makers have launched the world’s first film festival for mobile phones. The festival will be held every December and is intended to showcase content and technology and will be screened via Tin Can Mobile to Nokia handsets. More than a hundred independent film makers are expected to submit work showing exactly what can be achieved on a 2” TFT.

    Films must be at least one minute long, but under five minutes and can be submitted on a number of formats including MPEG, WMV or VHS. Entry fees are between US$35 and US$45 (€28.77 to €37).

    Winners will be screened at and via Tin Can Mobile, and prizes include a week at a golf resort spa in the Phillipines.

    Zoie Films

  • Ashley Highfield, BBC – The IBC Digital Lifestyles Interviews

    This is the sixth in a series of eight articles with some of the people involved with the Digital Lifestyles conference day at IBC2004.

    We interviewed Ashley Highfield, Director of New Media & Technology and the BBC on the need to make content easily available to the public, and the platforms they might use to obtain it.

    Ashley oversees BBCi services on the internet, interactive TV, and emerging platforms. He’s responsible for the BBC’s Technology portfolio, encompassing IT strategy, Research and Development, and technical innovation looking at the content forms of the future.

    Can you give our readers some background to BBC’s interactive and new media operation and what you do here?

    I’m responsible for all the BBC’s non linear output – so anything that is on the internet at, which is the world’s largest content website. It’s used by over 10 million people each month in Britain, and has a global user base of probably around 30 million. It covers news, information, education, entertainment … everything.

    It is supported by our interactive TV service BBCi, which is available on satellite, cable and digital terrestrial Freeview. That too has an monthly audience of over 10 million in the UK alone. It offers a range of services, for example, the Olympics with multiple video screens that you can choose from – as well as information and education, things like GCSE Bitesize. I’m responsible for our mobile offering as well. I also look after the Technology Portfolio at the BBC and Research and Development.

    Would you like to tell me a bit about your two IBC sessions this year and the sort of things that you are going to be covering?

    The overall framework is that 50% of the UK have digital television, 50% of the UK has the internet and that’s been the easy bit in a way. I think history will come to look at that as actually having been the lesser task than the next 50%. The two sessions actually fall into quite neatly into “What are the technological solutions?” and “What are the content solutions?” So, what broadly are the solutions that could help drive us towards a digital Britain?

    And what are the issues?

    There has been a lot of work done by bodies like the Digital Inclusion Panel and by ourselves and by the Broadband Stakeholders Group and by Ofcom that are starting to come to some agreed conclusions about what are the barriers to adoption.

    They are many and complex and the barriers are around “I don’t know it’s available” through to “I know it is available but I just don’t want it”; through to “I can’t afford it; I am frightened of it; it is not available in my area; I don’t even understand the language it is in; I can’t use it physically for some reason” and so on. There are a range of reasons.

    I think that the interesting angle for these sessions, particularly the second one on content, is not just to ask “What are your whacky ideas for the future?”

    If we know that the future is going to be held up by these different barriers, what are the contents initiatives to address these specific barriers? That for me would be “What tangible impact do you think it is going to have to drive take-up and get us to a digital Europe?”

    That would be I think a much more gritty session rather than one that just goes off into the usual cyber bullshit.

    Quite right.

    I can give you an example.

    Imagine I am someone living in a high rise block, I am thirty-eight but I am a single father bringing up two kids they’re thirteen and I have got digital Television because I have forced to by the Government.

    I really never use anything other than the old five Terrestrial Channels. I can’t afford to get my kids a PC and I certainly can’t afford to subscribe to the internet or broadband, and they are getting teased at school for being behind the curve.

    They are struggling in their lessons because all the other kids have got the digital curriculum available to them at home. Now, what if we could offer a content solution that got the digital curriculum into that home without any subscription charge? What if we could find a way of beaming that content service over digital terrestrial television into the home and getting it onto a cheap box for storage? If I could do it overnight so that my kids could actually have access to the digital curriculum in their bedroom through a £50.00 Freeview box with a hard drive, that would make a big change and impact on my life and would force me, as this single father, over some of the barriers.

    It would be for my kids’ education. If it was simple enough to operate by just using the four coloured buttons, it wouldn’t break down and it was cheap – there was no subscription cost – then that would do it for me.

    What are the content solutions, the content technology hybrid solutions that would breakdown all these barriers to leaving us with a non-digital underclass?

    Do you see the BBC offering a Broadband content service, and perhaps even its own set top box?

    It is not a specific plan – the set top box is not a specific plan, but it does strike me that we are not thinking about these problems laterally enough at the moment. The content people are just looking at the content solutions and the hardware people are just looking at the hardware solutions and what you end up with is hardware being put into the market like DTT boxes with PVRs in them.

    Like HomeChoice and Sky+?

    I think Sky+ is a platform driven solution where they want to drive subscription up to their platform. That’s very clever, but it is coming at it from their perspective. They haven’t actually thought too much about what kind of content could you start to download onto a Sky+ box. They are just going to start offering that service at the end of the year, downloading movies and letting you consume them when you want to consume them.

    HomeChoice has a slightly different angle, and then you have the hardware manufacturers who are just making free-standing Freeview boxes with PVRs in them.

    No-one is actually saying “Well, what is the content solution that is going to drive demand?” It is all a bit fragmented at the moment.

    So yes, I do think that the BBC has got a role to play in starting to create content solutions that will start to shape the way that people look at the hardware.

    The united broadband platform – the equivalent of a set top box like that – has lots of advantages for production houses and people who produce content. You write it once and it can run on several kinds of boxes. How serious is the BBC about getting involved in a project like that when you have people like N2MC trying to work on a single European standard for interactive content? Is there some duplication there or does what you are doing fit in with what the European Broadcasting Union is doing?

    I know of a number of initiatives that have tried to set single standards – let’s say interactive TV MHP. I am sceptical because there is installed base in Britain – how many set top boxes do we have, 11 million? 7 million Sky boxes, 3.5 million cable, 3 million Freeview … in fact, well more than that now.

    And at least 5 interactive TV platforms across Europe as well.

    Right – it is not going to happen. It is better to actually focus either at a higher level of abstraction like putting a Java engine into every set top box or even a higher level just putting tools into the broadcaster to enable us to create content once and then using multi-platform authoring tools.

    Again, it is a technological solution that often doesn’t wake up to the reality in the commercial market. Why would Sky ever use any other solution? Let’s assume that Sky is forever going to have Open TV as a legacy in 7 million homes. In which case let’s deal with that reality and therefore try and find solutions in the real world.

    That’s what I am interested in – finding solutions in the real world for this last 50% of people who haven’t got Digital Television.

    The worse thing is to try to dumb interactive content down to a common technology platform.

    The lowest common denominator with the worst functionality.

    It is not going to happen.

    How much content will be on the Interactive Media Player when it launches?

    The vision is quite clear – the vision would be all programmes up to a week after transmission. Then you are into practicalities, everything after that is practicality. Therefore, what can we put in or rather what can’t we put in? I would like to start with everything until somebody gives me an absolutely convincing reason why we couldn’t.

    Now, clearly that is going to take a while, when we launch it as a real product, if we launch it – you know we have only just finished the trial – there is no guarantee that we will. If there is no demand for this thing, no matter how cute a technical idea it is, we won’t do it. But, if the demand is strong and we can find solutions to the rights issues and the distribution issues then we would want to set a route map towards all the content.

    What rights issues and distribution issues do you see?

    A plethora. Everything from encoding the stuff in the first place, to storing it here, to checking people have the right access to get it in the first place: i.e. they are within the UK, right windowing and so on, to how we actually physically distribute it, that it doesn’t make our service fall over, to quality control when they get it, to download and streaming technologies. You may know that we are looking at least three technologies to lighten the load of distribution.

    I’ve heard peer to peer mentioned…

    Peer to peer. We are doing that for IMP. We are doing multi-casting where we send it once to the service providers who then distribute it on, and store and forward and storage serving.

    We are looking at a number of different technologies to lighten our distribution load. That’s the technology issues.

    The rights issues are broadly around trying to find a framework similar to the one we achieved with the radio player which is a bulk rights clearance framework because it won’t work trying to clear things one by one by one.

    What about Creative Commons? Lots of people are very excited about the Creative Archive and its use of Creative Commons. What’s the feeling inside the BBC about using Creative Comment as a licensing?

    Too early to tell. I mean, it is an idea. It’s one that we therefore want to test but as to whether it will provide an effective enough rights framework, I don’t know.

    So it is not set in stone yet?


    What sort of DRM will you be employing with the Interactive Media Player and will Creative Commons material be DRM’d and will it be your own BBC codec, the source for it or will you be going to Microsoft?

    Yes – all those are being evaluated at the moment! Those are the questions. The trial at the moment that separates the download from the DRM I think is very clever. It allows peer to peer, and the file is encrypted and can only be viewed when you come to view it by checking back with the BBC to confirm your rights at that time.
    That isn’t going to necessarily work for Creative Archive where we give you the content to view and manipulate in perpetuity. There will be different DRM solutions for different content and that’s why at the moment we are running a separate initiative from Creative Archive – because they are actually testing different demands and different modes of usage. One is about catch up TV, and another is about actually keeping the content forever and doing things with it. They are going to need different rights approaches.

    You are looking at using two difference rights systems for content that is used in two different ways.

    Yes, currently.

    When the public buy content they have copied protected CDs, they have Fairplay protected tracks from iTunes, they have WMA protected tracks from OD2 – and they can’t move content between devices. As awareness increases of the fact that people are locked into devices and DRM systems, where do you think that’s going to end? Do you think there will be a shake-out in the DRM market or will consumers say “That’s enough”?

    There’s money in them there hills and competing formats are going to be around for a while. Whether the shake-out would happen such that you end up with the ubiquitous single framework a la VHS or whether you end up with a number of slightly different formats like DVD, or whether in this instance an organisation like the BBC could help to create an open framework remains to be seen.

    Clearly, one of our objectives would be to ensure that our content was available, free at the point of consumption – and that is what we are here for as a public service broadcaster – and not intermediated by other gatekeepers. That is the primary strategic drive behind implementing the Creative Archive. It is to be able to get our content to our audiences with the minimum encumbrance.

    As far as your audience goes, will the Creative Archive be limited to the UK or will other countries be able to access it by buying a licence?

    It’s something that is up for debate. The licence fee extends just to the UK and therefore it is a completely legitimate framework for us to have pay models outside the UK.

    Obviously BBC Worldwide exploits extra-UK rights for all of our content. They sell those rights packages to other broadcasters, not to individuals. What we have never done is to offer our content direct to the consumer a commercial B to C model. We have always done B to B to C. So could we start offering pay per play, pay per view for international users off the back of the Creative Archive. It’s something we can look at, but it can never be and will never be the major driver for the products. We can’t have a commercial tail wagging a public service dog.

    We are seeing an increased demand for our narrowband streamed content, like our radio services. Also, the Proms is popular in Japan. That’s probably one of our Global roles. Increasingly as the content gets richer and more bandwidth is required, the cost of distribution increase – how do we recover these costs?

    The perceived value increases, too, as the content becomes richer and so we get more guarded, a bit more jealous. There is certainly a huge demand around the world for content that is being funded by the Licence Fee.

    We need to be careful. The Olympics is a good example where we do not allow Broadband access to the Olympics content from outside the UK.

    We have got the rights to all the broadband content on the web but only within the UK. So if you try from abroad you just can’t get it.

    The BBC’s efforts for the Olympics this year are phenomenal – you’re providing much more footage than has ever been done before by anyone and you’re covering it in very different ways. There are on-line statistics completely updated, people can watch the five interactive feeds at one time on broadband and on interactive. Do you see this as just the tip of the iceberg for new types of content that are enabled by new technologies? What sort of types of content are you looking forward to in the future?

    That is where it starts to get interesting, the question is “How will content change to meet this need?”

    My clichéd example is still the best one I can think of: snooker. Colour television, a change in technology made the sport.

    Clearly people played snooker before colour telly, but it wasn’t a broadcast sport and suddenly about 1969 it was. What does this broadband and interactive TV technology enable that wasn’t before? The Olympics is a really good example. The viewing figures for minority sports, we imagine, will go up considerably.

    So that makes the Olympics a better proposition, but it doesn’t change the nature of the Olympics. What sports could actually be fundamentally changed or created by new technology? An example might be a long form sport that currently doesn’t work terribly well in a broadcast schedule, like the Round the World Yacht Race. You could use GPS graphics – there are websites that enable you to track the yachts, but could you then use some clever interactivity and so on to make it a much more compelling sport, and therefore take it out of a niche activity and propel it into the mainstream.

    Yes, almost certainly are there sports out there waiting to be transformed into mass spectator sports, like fishing. That’s where we haven’t got to yet, because we are only four years into interactive TV and probably only about four/five years into entertainment content over the web. We have not yet moved forward into totally new forms of content.

    It certainly is an exciting area.

    It is and you just see some emerging things like “Big Brother”. “Big Brother” would have just about worked as a television programme just on its own – “Test the Nation” you would have struggled to make Test the Nation work if you couldn’t have actually tested the Nation. If they couldn’t have joined in via interactive TV and the web you would have a bit of a lemon of a format, but, you know, where do you go from here?

    Another good BBC example, of course, is “Come and Have a Go if You Think You’re Smart Enough”.

    Right – totally doesn’t work.

    It would never exist unless there is participation through the use of technology. Actually those kind of content, I think, we should set up at the beginning. Probably those are the ones that we want to show that we are on a journey here from enabling existing content to be shown in new and interesting ways to increase Region consumption through to totally new forms of entertainment that this technology allows.

    Just thinking about “Come and Have a Go” and that sort of integration of different content platforms. Where do you see mobile content services moving? Will the BBC be adopting things like DVB-H?

    We have been in a world where mobile content is not able to be distinctive enough to have made it appropriate for a large scale investment by the BBC. We are meant to be by being public spirited, we are meant to provide content that is distinctive and that is where its public value outweighs its market impact.

    I think it has been very difficult with a tiny screen and text to let the values of the BBC through. I think it changes once you start to get 3G more broadband video, more meaningful video onto mobile phones.

    However, I still don’t think that would then be enough if all we were doing was duplicating the audience that were already using us on-line. Then is that the best use of the Licence Fee? The question I’m asking is: What audiences are we not getting on interactive TV or the web that we could reach through the mobile?

    Let’s take teens, a clear audience that are watching less television – certainly less BBC1 prime time Television. What kind of services could we offer to that audience through mobiles, and how can we make it high quality and distinctive? Now that is really interesting, and we have done some stuff like that – like GSCS Bitesize. I think it is too early to call at the moment the mobile market because it has been ostensibly a text based information service.

    As it becomes a richer service – an example would be GO – IP based services i.e. how rich could it be for the BBC to offer you a content service to your mobile phone depending on where you are. Now have already trialled some of that where you can go on a walk around London and using information from our History website – will know where you are and tell you through the mobile phone historical facts about where you are actually standing at the time.

    How could we use our network of Where I Live regional sites to maybe give you the news and information in radiating circles around your mobile phone? That for me starts to become really exciting. Once we start to move into that world I think that value of what we can do on mobile will increase exponentially.

    Would you charge for a mobile service like that? If you are trying to get into every area to offer services it means that you are slicing the Licence Fee thinner and thinner.

    Well, not if there is no marginal cost of distribution.

    If we cut up all our content anyway, my vision would be a world where all of our content is meta-tagged with its location. On Interactive TV you could give me the news in a five mile radius round Humberside but you could also do that on your mobile phone. It’s not just news content – all our content – you could show me say on the Nature website, give me all the sightings of Greater Crested Plovers within a five mile radius of where I am, i.e. that all of our content – give me any entertainment you’ve got, any comedy clips from the Fastshow that are set in Wales. You can just see a whole BBC centred around location – now if we did that if we meta-tagged all out content then there would be no marginal cost of distribution to the mobile phone.

    What resolution will Creative Archive material be in?

    We’re testing that.

    The content ranges from about 400 KB a second – news stuff – a bit more than that like 500 on Top Gear and so on right the way through to trials at 4 megabits for high definition. I have a Media Centre at home so I was able to use IMP to download the HD stuff and then watch it through my plasma telly – awesome!

    That then, puts you in an interesting space where we could get HD out to people’s television sets without the need to rely on Sky and Cable to upgrade their Networks. At the moment can’t – it doesn’t matter if I shoot something in HD you can’t get it on your Television set, whereas through the Creative Archive we could. It is interesting but what we don’t know is, is there any demand?

    Steven Carter, Ofcom said it wasn’t broadband until it was 10 megabits per second. When do you think that will be happening in the UK?

    I don’t that is a terribly meaningful definition anyway. I think we are far too hung up on technology. The right question should be – when can we deliver enriching engaging content through these devices that doesn’t, because of its quality, diminish the experience? That is the question. It doesn’t matter if you come up with amazing encryption technology. Get me Eastenders down 500K and I get just as much out of it because the graphics aren’t blocky, then that is fine.

    We are not there yet – jerky, slow video – we are not there yet but I don’t think it is 10 megabits. It is probably useful to try to understand it because it is certainly more Bandwidth than we have got with them at the moment. But understanding what – here is a good example – in Hull we found that local news people were willing to take it “lower quality” and yet to the audience it wasn’t lower quality at all – we thought lower quality meant lower picture quality, but actually for them it was higher quality because it was local.

    It was immediate and although it was user generated, that for them was their perception of quality. The fact that the picture was shaky didn’t matter. So we are putting our perceptions of what quality is onto this equation.

    I suppose it has a higher value to them because it is local and, in fact, when you see footage coming back from Baghdad you don’t mind that it’s jerky because you expect it to be.

    Yes – because the important thing is that you want it now.

    What impact will Charter renewal have on new media services on the BBC because obviously you are becoming very intermingled with traditional programme production?

    It is fundamental – if you go through Building Public Value, there are 42 major initiatives in there – of which 25 are new media, so we have go to move from a position of still being, to some extent on the boundaries of the core BBC to being absolutely its heart. That’s going to be a big shift in everything.

    Ashley is a chairing the ‘New Platforms, New Content‘ session between 09:30 and 11:00 at the IBC conference on Sunday, 12th September in Amsterdam. Register for IBC here


  • Hollyoaks on the Pull

    Hollyoaks, an soap opera inexplicably set in Chester and much loved by students, is branching out into mobile applications and content.

    First up, Mersey TV are inviting would-be television actors to send in their photographs via mobile media messaging. This new “On The Pull” initiative is an update to a 2000 initiative that resulted in four members of the public landing major roles in the show.

    Hopefuls can register via SMS or on the On the Pull Website – and there is already a gallery of submitted photographs to be laughed at, so get over there.

    Secondly, Mersey TV and Opera Telecom are expanding the Hollyoaks story line into new media, hoping to capitalise on the tendency for the show’s 16 – 24 year old audience to have the latest mobile phones. Hollyoaks will see a MMS spin-off later this year, followed by a full mobile video version.

    On the Pull is a revenue stream for Mersey TV, as sending a photo from a mobile phone costs an additional UK£0.50 (€0.75) on top of network charges. The MMS Hollyoaks spin-off will undoubtedly be premium content too – showing that production houses have grasped the financial incentives for taking content to new platforms.

    The Official Hollyoaks on the Pull Website