News: Korea – Broadband Consolidation Enters Final Stage – KoreaTimes
The new digital ways content was becoming distributed
China’s digital home project ADSL rollout
News: IT firms seeking to participate in China’s digital home project ADSL rollout – Korea Herald
BT suspends ADSL rollout
News: BT suspends ADSL rollout – ZDNet |UK|
BTopenworld charges £900 for satellite broadband service
News: BTopenworld charges £900 for satellite broadband service – The Register
Broadband by satellite gets a boost
News: Broadband by satellite gets a boost – The Register
Broadband hobbled by high prices
News: Broadband hobbled by high prices – UK E-envoy’s office – The Register
Ethernet bites back in bid to halve BT leased line prices
News: Ethernet bites back in bid to halve BT leased line prices – The Register
BTopenworld slams users for being ‘too British’ on DSL
News: BTopenworld slams users for being ‘too British’ on DSL – Silicon
Comment: This demonstrates how out of touch BT is with truth, their customers and reality. The arrogance of this company is without bounds – I can’t believe they are blaming their customers for the take-up of ADSL – I thought the attitude of blaming customers, disappeared in the 70’s. Amazing.
How much clearer does it need to be to OffCom to take control of this situation?
100Mbps – long range wireless through wind, rain, snow
News: 100Mbps – long range wireless through wind, rain, snow – The Register
BTopenworld’s broadband satellite service kicks off next month
News: BTopenworld’s broadband satellite service kicks off next month – The Register