EEDAL 2006 – The 4th International Conference On Energy Efficiency In Domestic Appliances And Lighting

21 – 23 June 2006 The usage of power by electronic equipment is something we all need to be conscious of. This conference comprehensively covers all electrical equipment including convergence kit. Of particular interest will be

Millennium Gloucester Hotel and Conference Centre London UK

Festival Of The Fourth Dimension

6 – 10 June 2006 This hyper-ambitious, all embracing technology and arts festival looks like it could be quite remarkable. By combining the skills and open-mind approach of the artist with the latest technology – some that are the latest thing now others that will be available in the near future – should turn up some remarkable results. Sophia Antipolis, Nice, Cote d’Azur, France

Www2006 W3C

23-26.May.06 No other event draws the breadth of business leaders, industrial technologists, academics and key standards bodies that shape the future of the World Wide Web. Four packed days of speakers, workshops, exhibitions, tutorials, panels and social events will provide you with valuable insights and new contacts you won’t find anywhere else. Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC), Edinburgh, Scotland.

E3 2006

The definitive games show. The Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), “Where Business Gets Fun,” is the world’s premiere trade event exclusively dedicated to showcasing interactive entertainment and educational software and related products. E3 2006 will be held at the Los Angeles Convention Center from May 10 — 12. Conferences are held May 9 — 11 and the show floor is open May 10 — 12. The worldwide annual focal point for the computer and video game industry, E3 draws tens of thousands of professionals to experience the future of interactive entertainment. The most influential people leading the most innovative companies in the business attend E3 to showcase and see groundbreaking new technologies and never-before-seen products for computers, video game consoles, handheld systems and the Internet. Show attendees also have the opportunity to participate in a variety of learning workshops and conferences focused on the specific interests and educational needs of professionals in the interactive entertainment business. Los Angeles Convention Center, USA

Cybersonica 2006

8-26.May.06 Cybersonica is back. Now in its 5th year, the festival is a celebration of audiovisual performance and sonic arts – a meeting point for digital artists, musicians, software developers and anyone interested in contemporary audiovisual experimentation. Cybersonica presents the most exciting approaches to creative interactivity – moving beyond the ‘screen, keyboard, mouse scenario’ to works that respond to physical input, proximity, sound, kinetics, elapsed time and the surrounding environment. The 2006 festival is being supported by the Arts Council England and will feature 5 newly commissioned sonic artworks. These will be presented alongside existing pieces from emerging practitioners, in a two week exhibition at the Vinyl Factory Gallery (Phonica Records, Soho, W1), from Monday 8th – Saturday 20th May. Details of the exhibition will be announced from 10th April. Further details about the call for work are below. Two days of FREE talks and workshops will be held at Science Museum’s Dana Centre – an ambient and acclaimed bar and café in the heart of South Kensington dedicated to discussing contemporary science, health, medicine and technology in a cultural context – on Friday 19th and Saturday 20th May. Presentations from, Trampoline’s Radiator festival, Threshold and Toplap are already confirmed. London & Bradford, UK

Man Vs Machine €

Tuesday 2 May-Tuesday 16 May 2006 The events feature Do-It-Yourself robots (or how to make a robot in ten minutes!) and a demonstration from the next generation of robot to be used on Mars. Also up for discussion is how computing is affecting creativity and how military research into robotics is set to change the landscape of war forever. Experts at the Dana Centre events include scientists from the University of Aberystwyth’s Intelligent Robotics department and Dr Chris Langley from Scientists for Global Responsibility, who will outline the extent of power the UK military has over the development of science and technology. As the world enters a new age of robotics, the Dana Centre – the Science Museum’s bar and café for adults to discuss contemporary science, technology, the environment and medicine – asks: what are the implications of a cyborg society? Dana Centre, 165 Queen’s Gate, London SW7 5HD


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