News: Wales gets £18.4m for broadband – The Register
Simon Perry
EU goes loopy for broadband
News: EU goes loopy for broadband – ZDNet |UK|
Japanese Corporate Users Show Interest in ADSL
News: Japanese Corporate Users Show Interest in ADSL: Nikkei Market Access Survey – AsiaBizTech
Broader Broadband Plays
News: Broader Broadband Plays – The Net Economy
US broadband goes mass-market next year
News: US broadband goes mass-market next year – The Register
World’s biggest luddite strikes again!
News: World’s biggest luddite strikes again! – The Register
Sony to plug TiVo into its products
News: Sony to plug TiVo into its products –
Comment: Not strictly about broadband but I feel PVR’s are a vital piece in the jigsaw.
NTL calls for ‘new, bold’ broadband initiative
News: NTL calls for ‘new, bold’ broadband initiative – The Register Comment: NTL have consistantly making the right noises about broadband – it’s very encouraging.
Can broadband laser beams go the distance?
News: Can broadband laser beams go the distance? – Internet World
Comment: This technology has been around for quite a while in the US when it’s main benefit was seen as the ability to get a BB Internet connection installed fast – as telecom providers were taking a months or two to install connections. This was also when we were living in Internet Time – long past and to some extent, sadly missed.
Broadband projects to enjoy tax-breaks
News: Broadband projects to enjoy tax-breaks – Broadcast
Comment: This is encouraging news for the UK and if action follow it, may be possible that the creative energies in the UK will not be lost or taken abroad. We await further details with bated breath.