Microsoft Gain Browser Market Share, Apple Dip

Microsoft Gain Browser Market Share, Apple DipNew figures for the operating systems used to access the web show Microsoft registering a rise while Apple’s share takes a bit of a downward shimmy.

Preliminary figures released by Web metrics company Net Applications show the Mac OS with a 9.71 per cent market share, down from 9.93 per cent in January, while the share of Internet traffic for Microsoft Windows jumped to 89.37 per cent from 88.26 per cent last month.

Puffing over the hill in the distance like an asthmatic smoker in lead boots was Linux with just 0.89 per cent market share, with FreeBSD and SunOS scoring 0.02 percent and 0.01 per cent, respectively.

Mobile browsing
When it comes to the mobile browsing arena, Net Applications have declared Apple’s iPhone as having a “commanding lead” over the opposition, hogging a huge 66.61 per cent of the market, although this share looks set to fall.

Microsoft Gain Browser Market Share, Apple DipNet Applications commented that, “Android and BlackBerry are rapidly gaining market share. This does not mean that iPhone web browsing is shrinking, because the overall market is growing rapidly.”

After the iPhone, Java ME came in second with 9.06 per cent while Windows Mobile grabbed third place with 6.91 per cent. Android, released in October 2008 by Google in October, came in equal fourth with Symbian registering a 6.15 per cent market share.

Palm will be looking to improve on their lowly sixth ranking (2.37 per cent) with the release of the eagerly anticipated Palm Pre handset.



2 responses to “Microsoft Gain Browser Market Share, Apple Dip”

  1. graham r. avatar
    graham r.

    here is your typo

    “…just 0.89 per cent marlet share,…”

    use spell check muhfuhka!

  2. Simon Perry avatar

    How very lovely for you to point it out. Now corrected. Thanks.