Lots Of Ladies On The Game (Mobile That Is)

Lots Of Ladies On The GameWe always thought that computer gaming was the near-exclusive domain of incommunicado male teenagers, but a new study by Parks Associates has found that 59% of all U.S. consumers who play games on a mobile phone are of the lady persuasion.

Moreover, they’re playing longer than the boys, with women making up 61% of all those playing mobile phone games for one to four hours every month, and 58% of all those playing for more than four hours per month.

These figures reflect the overall demographic makeup of Internet gamers, where women remain in the majority.

Lots Of Ladies On The GamePredictably, the study found that it’s still the men who want to blast aliens, blow up things and take part in role-playing games, while women prefer less frenetic mobile gaming activities, like online trivia and card games.

Lots Of Ladies On The GameJohn Barrett, director of research at Parks Associates reckoned that women are the foundation of the gaming market, adding that, “as an industry, we need to cater to their preferences.”

“This effort is key to future revenue growth because right now women generally spend little on gaming even though they like to play games and often have disposable income. The industry just needs to find a game they are will to pay for,” he added.

Parks Associates