DSC-T7: Sony Announces sexy 5.1mpx Camera – CeBIT 05

Sony DSC T7(CeBIT, Hannover) Wandering around the Sony products at the pre-CeBIT press conference, I came across the DSC-T7, the smallest, sexiest model whos roots lay with the DSC-T1.

Available in the to-be-expected silver and a sultry black, the DSC-T7 re-introduces Sony DSC T7a sliding cover that both covers and protects the lens and switches the camera on. Measuring only 14.8 mm / 0.6 in at the lens cover, and 9.8 mm / 0.4in for the main body, it packs 5.1m pixel. The back is taken up with a 2.5″ TFT Hybrid LCD, displaying 230,000 pixels.

As you can see from the shots, this baby is really slim and an instant object of desire. Sony think it will sell well to the female side of society and I wouldn’t be so exclusive – men will want this baby too, but we’d advise against popping it in your back pocket and sitting down. Sony DSC T7

Sony DSC T7Nothing definite on release dates or price but the talk in the corridors is it should be around in May for around 375Euro, $500, 260 UKP.

DSC-T7 Specs: DP Review
DSC-T7 Specs: Sony Press Release