Sony’s new real-time strategy Lords of EverQuest further confirms the trend that television and film actors are increasingly appearing in video games, usually as voice talent. Lords of EverQuest features quite a roster of film and TV talent, including John Rhy-Davies, Dwight Shultz and Ron Perlman.
Other high profile actors have voiced or appeared in video games – including Ray Liotta, Dennis Hopper, Burt Reynolds, Michael Madsen and Kyle MacLachlan in the Grand Theft Auto series along.
The breakthrough was some years ago with Hamill in the Wing Comander series. He has since gone onto star in many more video games, including dark Cloud 2, Soldier of Fortune II, Grandia Xtreme, and Batman Vengeance. This is possibly more than any other actor, but perhaps you could prove us wrong.
This gradual blurring between more traditional media acting jobs and video games shows greater acceptance of games as a valid art form.
Cast list for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City