Claiming to be the first channel of its type in the world, London TV is a new channel designed to help Londoners get the most out of their city.
NOP have carried out a survey citing 33% of Londoners “worry constantly that they are not making the most of their free time”. I must be in that other 77% slice, presumably.
The channel revolves around “bite-sized” (i.e. short and cheap to produce) snippets of entertainment designed to inspire Londoners to get over their fear of mugging and burglary and to leave their ludicrously priced homes and venture out for some fun.
David Campbell, chief executive of Visit London, said: “If you live in the capital, you often feel guilty that you’re not making the most of everything the city has to offer. Now you don’t even have to get off the sofa to get some inspirational ideas delivered straight to your living room. London TV provides one of the best ways to deliver up to the minute information in a fast moving city like ours. Television brings the capital to life in a way that a guide book could never do and with digital uptake increasing all the time, there has never been a better time to launch a channel dedicated to the greatest city in the world.”
The channel has cost some UK£2 million (€3 million) to set up, financed through Visit London’s marketing budget.