UK Broadband Goes Up a Notch or 20

We have long been envious of broadband users in Japan who have access to the Yahoo’s 45Mps broadband service, but some who live in Central or West London could have the chance of getting to near to half those speeds when Bulldog DSL launch their 20Mbps service in the fourth quarter of 2004. The cost of the service is rumoured to cost around £300 per month.

This announcement comes hard on the heals of Bulldog talking about a 4Mps service for home users priced at £72.99 per month (inclusive of VAT). Richard Greco the Bulldog CEO was reported as saying he expects other areas of the UK could also be reached as the network coverage is expanded.

Prior to this announcement, the faster broadband service in the UK was from EasyNet, who currently provide a 6Mps service for £199 per month.

Speed to 5Mps are significant as they allow the transfer of broadcast quality video, held in MPEG2 video to be displayed TV resolution.

We hope this kind of announcement will embarrass BT into upping the speed of their offering, particularly as most DSL customers in the UK run at a barely acceptable 512Kbps. Frankly we are not hold out much hope.


ADSLGuide on Bulldog