Yahoo Mail To Go Unlimited

Yahoo Mail will be upping the ante in the Web-based email market.

Yahoo Mail To Go UnlimitedThere’s been back and forth between Yahoo and Google, following Google launching Gmail with an at-the-time world-shattering 1GB of storage back in April 2004.

To mark their 10-year web-mail birthday, Yahoo are proposing giving people unlimited storage for their email, quite a step up from the 4MB that they launched with.

To put some numbers to the escalation of the demands for email, David Nakayama, Yahoo’s group vice president of engineering, points out that in the early days, Yahoo’s “total capacity for mail accounts back then was 200GB for all of our customers. At Yahoo!, we’re now receiving more inbound mail than that every 10 minutes.”

Yahoo Mail To Go Unlimited

Now don’t expect all of this to be available today, as even Yahoo’s mighty mass of server farms might buckle under the demand. Instead they plan roll it out gradually over the coming months.

Don’t go thinking that you’ll be able to use your Yahoo mail account to hold all of your data, Yahoo will have anti-abuse limits in place to protect users, the details of which are currently unclear.

Many of us at Digital-Lifestyles swear by Gmail as our email package of choice, but we’ve hit the 2.8GB limit a few times of late and if Google don’t make the jump to copy Yahoo’s infinite offer, that may be enough for some of us to jump over to Yahoo. So come on Google.

2 thoughts on “Yahoo Mail To Go Unlimited”

  1. Storage was always a problem. Recent article about the storage that suggest “world using twice the available space” and would out run by 10 fold is question of concern. However one email service here in INDIA named rediffmail already offering unlimited storage for their free webmail.

    Also read the article about storage here…

    Truly an eye opener.

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